Copper Harbor

Copper Harbor


I am married and have a lovely wife and daughter and a son and another daughter.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Budgeting tool for biweekly and weekly paychecks.

Here is a tool to budget your pay. The top is for bi-weekly paychecks, the bottom is for weekly. Click the download button to save the sheet as an excel document so you can use it on your own computer. Bi-weekly paycheck Weekly Paycheck I have protected the worksheets, but if you want to change anything you can unprotect them with the password of "money"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Virtual Barber Shop

Seriously, this is crazy awesome!! Put on headphones, close your eyes, and prepare to be amazed.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fantastic iced tea recipe.

I strongly urge you to go to my sister's blog (Keweenaw Living) and make the tea recipe she has posted. It is also printed in Hindi for all of you Indian folks.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I think everybody thinks of inventions at one point or another in their life. Or maybe everyday. I guess it is a matter of pursuing the creation and marketting of them that matters. I always think of inventing things, and I decided to draw pictures of one idea I had.

I thought I would share my inventions with you. In hindsight, they never had a chance. There never really were patents pending, I just put that on the top for viewing pleasure.

I was sitting at my desk, listening to my headphones. I work in a cubicle, so I can't have speakers that other people would hear, and sometimes headphones get annoying after a while. So, I thought of some brilliant ideas.

The first one I thought of is the overhead music cannon. It could be secured to your desk and go over the top of your head and "shoot" the music down to you. Sounded like a great idea, but then after some research, I found out that someone already invented it, and they were about a few thousand dollars each... so that idea fizzled. They use some kind of ultrasound instead of regular sound.


My next idea was a little cheaper. It involved an actual cannon shaped speaker that you point at your ear. Well, it turns out sound waves don't work like that. They don't go in a straight line, and as soon as they come out of the end, they would just go in every direction. (I made one out of a couple of pop bottles.)


My third attempt was awesome, I was so excited about this one. It would be easy, a neck pillow with speakers right next to your ear. This way, you can turn it quiet and still hear the music without bothering others.

Too bad, somebody already invented it.
